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ejection rate造句

"ejection rate"是什么意思  
  • According to the experimental data of droplet size 、 particle spectrum range 、 droplet cone shape 、 flow rate 、 cover area and cover area rate which obtained through changing the pressure of power sprayer and the nozzle diameter in greenhouse , this paper made comparative analysis on atomizing performance in same pressure and different nozzle type between same nozzle type and different pressure . the conclusion is that : the ejection rate and the droplet cone shape change with the variation of pressure and nozzle diameter , average particle diameter decreases obviously and particle quantity increases obviously with the increase of pressure and decrease of nozzle diameter . these results will lay experimental foundation for precise spraying 、 low pollution and highly effective operation
  • It's difficult to see ejection rate in a sentence. 用ejection rate造句挺难的
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